Family Category
About 30% of all applicants of the annual quota are granted permanent residency under this category.
Unless it is a partnership application, applications can only be accepted if the applicant is supported by a direct relative who is an eligible sponsor and has been living in New Zealand as a citizen or at least 3 years on a permanent residence visa.
Direct relatives in this context are spouses, brothers and sisters, parents or children. The varying criteria is complex and only a small number of applicants can gain residency under this category. Important is for example family affairs such as resident status of other family members etc.
Please note that points can be claimed for direct relatives also under the Skilled Migrant Category.
Refugee Status:
An application under this category can only be lodged prior to the applicant being officially recognized as a refugee by the United Nations (UN). In addition, the refugee can lodge his application on New Zealand territory only.